Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Software in the Classroom

Software applications can help teachers become more engaging and innovative in the classroom.  Several applications that I use everyday are Microsoft Outlook, Word, and Power Point.  I also use the Power School/Teacher program to enter daily attendance and grades.  I have used Microsoft Publisher several times to develop a team handbook and flyers.

There are several software programs I would like to become more efficient in.  One program is Microsoft Excel.  I have used Excel before, but do not feel comfortable with it.  I have started to use Prezi but I would like to become more proficient in this program too.  I recently discovered Google Docs.  I am excited to learn more about this online collaboration program as well as clouds.

Action Plan

Goal:  I want to become proficient in developing Prezi presentations.

1.  Use tutorials to better understand the steps in creating a Prezi.  Examples of tutorials include,, and

2.  Develop Prezis to incorporate into my lessons over each chapter.

3.  Have students do a learning project by developing a Prezi.

 Keep a log of my progress:
  • Monitor my progress
  • What worked well
  • What is motivating me to reach my goal
  • What obstacles and setbacks occured

As I become more proficient with Prezi, I would like to provide professional development to the staff at my school.

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