Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Growth in Technology

Technology is very crucial in incorporating it into today's classrooms.  As I assess myself as a student, I am very pleased with overcoming the fear of learning how to use technology within my classroom.  I feel more comfortable in using and implementing the technology tools I have learned during this course.  My PLN has grown and will continue to grow.  As I assess myself as a teacher, I "fear not" the use of technology.  I understand that technology engages students more and teaches them many of the 21st century learning skills.  As I continue to develop effective teaching strategies, I will be more willing to learn how to use new technology and implement them into my classroom.

Friday, January 20, 2012

There are many ways I can encourage my fellow colleagues to engage themselves in all the ongoing development of educational technology.  As a department chair, I can suggest that they use resources such as Twitter and educational blogs to stay up-to-date on emerging technology.  I can also hold professional development courses for all my co-workers to introduce and teach how these resources can be implemented into their own ongoing learning.  As I become more involved and knowledgeable with these tools, I can become a part of other teachers Personal Learning Network.  I feel that Twitter, educational blogs, and Web 2.0 tools can be used to facilitate these goals

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Technology Concerns in My Classroom

I have several concerns when it comes to incorporating various internet technology into my teaching strategies.  The first concern is whether or not the technology tool will actually work.  I think this is the most frustrating when I only have a specific amount of time to get stuff done and then it doesn't function properly.  A couple of ways to alleviate this concern is to become proficient in using the tool and always prepare for the worst by having a backup plan.

With the new teaching evaluation going into affect next year in Indiana, I will have to focus on the RISE rubric.  I now am concerned with not having the time to incorporate new internet technologies into my teaching strategies because I have to meet these new objectives.  I feel as if I am going to have to focus on meeting all parts of the new evaluation so that I can be classified as an effective or highly effective teacher instead of trying new technology tools.  I think after I get used to the new evaluation tool, I will be able to incorporate various internet technology.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." ~Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Software in the Classroom

Software applications can help teachers become more engaging and innovative in the classroom.  Several applications that I use everyday are Microsoft Outlook, Word, and Power Point.  I also use the Power School/Teacher program to enter daily attendance and grades.  I have used Microsoft Publisher several times to develop a team handbook and flyers.

There are several software programs I would like to become more efficient in.  One program is Microsoft Excel.  I have used Excel before, but do not feel comfortable with it.  I have started to use Prezi but I would like to become more proficient in this program too.  I recently discovered Google Docs.  I am excited to learn more about this online collaboration program as well as clouds.

Action Plan

Goal:  I want to become proficient in developing Prezi presentations.

1.  Use tutorials to better understand the steps in creating a Prezi.  Examples of tutorials include,, and

2.  Develop Prezis to incorporate into my lessons over each chapter.

3.  Have students do a learning project by developing a Prezi.

 Keep a log of my progress:
  • Monitor my progress
  • What worked well
  • What is motivating me to reach my goal
  • What obstacles and setbacks occured

As I become more proficient with Prezi, I would like to provide professional development to the staff at my school.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Preparing for the 21st Century

For a person to succeed in high school, college, career, and life in the 21st century, they must develop 21st century skills.  Skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication, and collaboration, as well as being creative and innovative are crucial to making it in the real world.  I personally do not feel prepared to adequately teach these skills using 21st century learning methods.  Until starting my master's program, I was not aware of all the learning tools, technologies, and resources available to implement in my classroom.  I am starting to become more equipped with the skills needed to help my students succeed.

The district that I teach in is slowly digging its way out of the 20th century.  Just this year, most classrooms were equipped with projectors and mimio boards (except mine of course).  Our school is currently being wired for wireless capabilities.  (Rumor has it that within the next couple of years, students will be given laptops instead of textbooks.  I am stoked!!)  Without having the technological resources that everyone else has, I have tried to implement lessons that my students will enjoy and will comprehend skills such as problem solving, collaboration, and communication.  I feel my students leave my classroom with a better knowledge of these 21st century skills (just without the 21st century technology).  But, I have reviewed so many resources the past couple of weeks, that I am looking forward to implementing 21st century resources into my lessons.

Understanding my faith has helped me realize my purpose in teach young people ways to prepare them for the future, whether it is in the classroom or on the field.   My philosophy in the classroom as a teacher and on the field as a coach is to teach my students and athletes life skills they will need to be successful.  Because of my desire to make a student or athlete a better person, I know I teach them 21st century skills such as problem solving, communicating, team work, discipline, respect, time management, self-control, and commitment.  The challenge is teaching them life skills without the availability of 21st century technology.  Overall though, I feel that when my students leave my classroom and when my athletes walk off the field for the last time, they develop character and leave a lasting legacy.

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." ~Philippians 4:13

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Integrating Technology in My Classroom

The NETS for teachers are standards that teachers should meet in order to promote student learning in the 21st century.  For students to be successful in the 21st century, technology tools have to be integrated into the curriculum to help build creative thinking skills, problem solving skills, collaboration skills, and communication skills.  As I reviewed the NETS for teachers' standards, more technology tools need to be integrated within my curriculum.  I integrate many software programs that help me teach, assess, and communicate student learning (i.e. Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Outlook, Exam View Pro, Power Teacher Gradebook).  There are only a few Web 2.0 tools that I integrate.  Discovery United Streaming and are two technology tools I use often that promote student learning.

There are two main barriers that I feel hold me back from integrating more technology within my curriculum, lack of resources and lack of professional development.   I teach in a low to middle socioeconomic school corporation.  Therefore, money has not been spent on upgrading technology until this past year.  Many Web 2.0 tools can be integrated into any curriculum, but there is a lack of professional development in my school corporation.  Therefore, teachers do not feel adequate in using new technology tools.  Some of the veteran teachers even fear technology.  Do you fear integrating technology within your classroom?  Due to the lack of resources and professional development available, I don't feel fearful, I feel inadequate.  If I just knew where to begin and learn how to effectively integrate technology tools into my curriculum, I would love to help my students become more successful for the 21st century.

To help my students become more successful, I have to become more successful myself.  That means setting goals and being determined to learn how to integrate technology effectively.  I want to become knowledgeable in using Web 2.0 tools such as Moodle.  I want to develop my own website in which students can access the course syllabus and additional information that may be helpful.  I would like to learn more ways to incorporate screencasts into my curriculum.  I hope to become a competent user with a couple of these technology tools so that I can present a professional development course for my coworkers.  Not only will I be helping my students become more successful, I will be helping my fellow teachers become more successful in the 21st century.

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." ~Philippians 4:13